THE NOAH PLAN FOURTH GRADE Fourth Grade Overviews Building upon the method demonstrated in The Noah Plan Lesson Books K–3, emphasizing the principle of how the seed of local Self-Government is planted, the overview provides teacher and student outlines for each subject. When children reach fourth grade, The Noah Plan Curriculum is designed to encourage students to take ownership of their education with guidance from the teacher. Therefore, teacher and student subject overviews are available for grades 4–8. CD-ROM using Acrobat Reader PDF. $14.95 22 | 800-352-3223 Bible and Reading Resources needed for The Noah Plan Reading Curriculum Guide The NIV Adventure Bible Excellent tool for accompanying Bible as Reader lessons with study features and colorful illustration. Features “Life in Bible Times” which helps children understand what it was like to live in Bible times. Hardback, 1,488 pages. $29.99 Walking with Jesus Student Handbook Advanced Reading and Reasoning Skills that uses the Bible as the reader. Combining both reading and the Bible together the student begins to see his Bible as a resource to study from; the language and writing style become accessible to the student as well as form his worldview. Paperback, 159 pages, illustrated. $29.95 Walking with Jesus Teacher Planner CD shows the teacher how to teach Bible and Reading using the student handbook. Designed to be used with The Noah Plan Reading Curriculum Guide. CD-ROM using Acrobat Reader PDF. $14.95 How to Teach Spelling Method and lessons for teaching spelling based upon phonograms. Paperback, spiral bound. 169 pages. $36.75 English Resources needed for The Noah Plan English Language Curriculum Guide Classic Grammar Fourth Grade Uses classic literature and the Bible to analyze language towards developing communication skill in thinking, writing, and speaking in English. 95 pages, PDF download only. $19.95 Literature Classics needed for The Noah Plan Literature Curriculum Guide Carry On Mr. Bowditch Nathaniel Bowditch experiences difficult events in his youth that lead him to contribute a wealth of information about maritime navigation. Teaches character, perseverance, and leadership. Paperback, 251 pages. $7.99 Carry On Mr. Bowditch Teacher Guide covers syntax, geography, architecture, history and vocabulary, as well as teaching Christian character. All of the key elements are included to walk you through teaching this classic in the Principle Approach® notebook method. Paperback, 42 pages $14.95. PDF download $10.95. Listening is a skill of concentra- tion and is reflective. It is learn- ing how to “turn off” external sounds, how to control “internal” sounds—one’s own thoughts and feelings. This is a distinctive of Principle Approach® education, the opposite of the stimulus-re- sponse of progressive education.