6 FACE.net | 800-352-3223 A dictionary shapes thinking and reasoning as words are given precise meanings, as new words are learned by growing children, and as studies are done in the Bible and in every other subject. The author of the dictionary determines the worldview that undergirds it. There is one dictionary available today that defines every word both in the original language and from its Biblical usage—the original American Dictionary of the English Language: Noah Webster 1828. Every modern dictionary reflects the current cultural corruptions and erosion of vocabulary by godless philosophies. Noah Websters 1828 Dictionary was produced during the years when the American home, church and school were established upon a Biblical and patriotic basis. It is a national treasure and a primary source tool for daily study. It defines words according to their meaning during our nation’s founding generation. Many definitions contain Scripture references and excerpts of Bible verses making it a prerequisite to understanding America’s founding documents from a Biblical context. It is the gold standard of language and Biblical reasoning for today’s American Christian. Noah Webster, who descended on his mother’s side from Pilgrim Governor William Bradford, made important contributions to an American educational system which kept the nation on a Christian Constitutional course for many years. The famous Blue-Backed Speller, his Grammars, and Reader, all contained Biblical and patriotic themes and Webster spearheaded the flood of educational volumes emphasizing Christian Constitutional values for more than a century. American Dictionary of the English Language: Noah Webster 1828. Hardback, facsimile edition 2,000 pages, forest green vellum, embossed gold- stamped. $56.95 Also available in digital format. See page 41 for details. The Noah Plan® Words Have Consequences DVD. A word study companion to the 1828 Dictionary is a tool of Biblical scholarship that places you and your student on the pathway of reflective thinking and deductive reasoning derived from the revelation of Scripture. Biblical principles deducted from the study enable you to “take possession” of the word. DVD $9.95 Every American home needs the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. Our words have consequences The dictionary inculcates either a secular or a Christian worldview through definitions establishing the system of values by which the family will live. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary has been called the most important reprint of the twenty-first century, the essential tool of education for Christians. Consider the contrast of the definitions of the word marriage and the word education taken from the Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary in contrast to dictionaries today and the impact on our society. The most important reprint of the twenty-first Century.