28 FACE.net | 800-352-3223 THE NOAH PLAN SEVENTH GRADE Seventh Grade Overview Teacher and student outlines for each subject in seventh grade guide the teacher in how to use the Principle Approach® foundational books, The Noah Plan Curriculum Guides, and the other books that are part of The Noah Plan seventh and eighth grade program. Building upon the method demonstrated in The Noah Plan Lessons for K–3, the subject overviews give the teacher a view of the complete curriculum. CD-ROM using Acrobat Reader PDF. Seventh Grade $14.95 Bible and Reading Resources needed for The Noah Plan Reading Curriculum Guide The Life Application Bible, KJV Excellent tool for accompanying Bible as Reader lessons. Available from online vendors. How to Teach Spelling Method and lessons for teaching spelling based upon phonograms. Paperback, spiral bound. 169 pages. $36.75 English Resources needed for The Noah Plan English Language Curriculum Guide Classic Grammar Seventh Grade Uses classic literature and the Bible to analyze language towards developing communication skill in thinking, writing, and speaking in English. 104 pages, PDF download only. $19.95 Literature Classics and Poetry needed for The Noah Plan Literature Curriculum Charles Dickens Teacher Guide (for 6th and 7th grades) Charles Dickens brought unforgettable characters to childhood through his many stories: Scrooge, Heep, Aunt Betsey, Pip, and David Copperfield, to mention just a few. The colorful depictions of character, conscience, principle, and good versus evil instruct students for a lifetime. The Charles Dickens Teacher Guide directs the teaching and learning of Dickens’ most famous and only biographical novel David Copperfield as well as direction for teaching A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations. This guide includes unit lesson plans, background content, notebook direction, and many lesson ideas. Paperback, 39 pages $14.95. PDF download $10.95. Additional books required for the Seventh Grade Literature Course are available from online vendors: David Copperfield Dickens classic depicting Victorian England. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Study of self-education. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare read aloud in the original. Favorite Poems Old and New by Helen Ferris, or other comparable poetry anthologies for children. More than 700 classic and modern children’s poems, many referenced in The Noah Plan® . Available from online vendors. The student thinks govern- mentally, having learned to ascertain who or what is in control in every context. Thinking governmentally forms the habit of checking con- science and directing his own actions from a character of Christian self-government. The student thinks in application of Biblical principles in all areas of life, making sense of his world in the context of truth. RenewingtheMind TeacherTraining Join us for powerful workshops designed to equip classroom teachers and homeschool parents with practical methods and skills that will revolutionize your teaching using the principle Approach. For more information and to register visit FACE.net/RenewingtheMind.