Dr. Herb Titus
The First Amendment and Freedom of Religion
Monday, May 5th, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at The Hall-Slater Library and Teaching Center
Dr. Herb Titus will deliver the first lecture in the Lessons in Liberty series, The First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. Dr. Titus will address the true definition of freedom of religion, as set forth in Article I, Section 16 of the Virginia Constitution, which was adopted by the First Amendment, but abandoned today even by the Christian community which settles for “religious tolerance,” and the implication of this surrender as reflected in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act upon which Hobby Lobby is relying in its fight against Obamacare.
For more information or to sign up, please call or e-mail Melissa Davidson at 757-488-6601 or Melissa@FACE.net or e-mail Gary Porter at Gary@FACE.net. Please register at least 24 hours prior to the lecture date.
Class size is limited to 40 on-site participants and 25 online connections. Ask for details when registering. There is no charge for this event; donations are welcomed. Sign up today!
Click Here to Sign Up
Lessons in Liberty is a series of courses, lectures and training sponsored by The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) to help citizens better understand the source of liberty in our American Christian Constitutional Republic. Join like-minded patriots who love God’s Word, and together, master the “lessons of liberty” so you can be used of God to help bring every aspect of culture “captive to the obedience of Christ.”
Upcoming lectures
Gary Amos, Defending the Declaration, June 19th, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Dr. Max Lyons and Mr. Gary Porter, The Bible and the Constitution, five-week course, Monday nights, beginning June 16th, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
First individually, then as a nation we become free.
The Foundation for American Christian Education
Transforming the heart and mind of a nation
4225 Portsmouth Boulevard
Chesapeake, Virginia 23321
800-352-3223 | FACE.net |

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